Two SpaceX Dragons Docked with ISS Side-by-Side

SPACE A SpaceX delivery ship carrying Christmas treats has arrived at the International Space Station. The SpaceX Dragon capsule landed at the International Space Station on Monday after takeoff from NASA's Kennedy Space Complex.
China Displays Its First Flag On Moon That Is Attached to Chang'e 5

China’s Chang’e 5 Moon Probe Now in Orbit, Awaiting Return to Earth

In a complex maneuver, the lunar probe linked up with the orbiter and transferred rock and soil. A tricky docking stunt with a robot orbiting the lunar surface on Sunday was completed by China's Chang'e 5 unmanned probe, moving a step closer in its attempt to bring back rock samples from the moon for the first time in more than 40 years.
What Were Those Mysterious Lights Seen in Montana Night Sky?

Mysterious Lights Seen in Montana Night Sky

Residents in Montana are treated with a light show the other night. Whenever there are mysterious flying objects or lights in the sky, the most likely explanation people would believe is that it is from an alien.

China Displays Its Flag On Moon

China's space agency released photos of its flag on the Moon on Friday attached to the Chang'e 5 probe.

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