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11.24.2020 08:00 AM
Scientists believe tensions, overcrowding, and quick exhaustion of resources to be one possible future for moon mining projects.
11.23.2020 18:00 PM
Jupiter and Saturn are getting closer as they near their once-in-20-years conjunction on December 21, 2020.
11.23.2020 12:00 PM
China plans to launch an uncrewed spacecraft to the moon, which will shovel up lunar rocks soil and return them to Earth.
11.23.2020 07:00 AM
Space Force stresses the importance of digitally savvy members of their team as they are building a force that would last for centuries due to growing space competition.
11.21.2020 07:30 AM
The NASA Office of Inspector General noted that the 2024 timeline for the Artemis moon mission is exaggeratedly "ambitious," referring to concerns about the funds, scope, and timetable.
11.20.2020 22:00 PM
Rocket Lab says it successfully parachuted the Electron rocket's booster into the Pacific Ocean and is recovering the hardware.
11.20.2020 18:00 PM
The famous Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico, which has provided priceless service to scientists for more than five decades, is set for dismantling after incurring irreparable damage.
11.20.2020 11:00 AM
In a series of tweets, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk gave details on how life on Mars would be like: from glass domes to terraform.
11.20.2020 06:00 AM
The rocket booster from NASA's Crew-1 Mission looks beat up and "leaning" but Elon Musk says otherwise.
11.20.2020 04:00 AM
You can visualize both the left- and right-handed versions of yourself through the use of your hands. Begin by taking your thumbs and having them pointed in the same direction.
11.19.2020 19:00 PM
The Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module called "Nauka," or science in Russian language, will be attached to a huge orbiting laboratory and serve as a new venue for scientists to perform their work.
11.19.2020 17:00 PM
After 16 years, scientists found that the object's ring is not really blue, and the ring is actually a cone.
11.19.2020 11:00 AM
The same day that Crew Dragon successfully docked to the ISS, SpaceX released an online simulator for users to manually maneuver the spacecraft.
11.19.2020 09:00 AM
NASA gives you a chance to send your deceased loved ones among the stars. The International Space Agency offers Moon Burial which will start in 2021.
11.19.2020 08:00 AM
Astronomers theorized that 13 billion years earlier before galaxies came together, the first stars developed.
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