Mir Space Station Retrospective

Space Race for Moon and Mars May Cause Conflict

Can one country take over a planet? Who owns outer space? The first race in space was a competition for national prestige and strategic advantage between the US and the Soviet Union.

Brightly Burning Object Lights Up Japan's Night Sky

A huge and bright meteor streaks over the sky of Japan on Sunday. Cameras have captured the astonishingly huge and brightly burning meteor that streaked across the sky of western Japan on Sunday, November 29.

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope Shares "Cinnamon Bun" Galaxy

A picture of a cinnamon bun-shaped galaxy snapped by the Hubble telescope was posted by NASA. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured a "tantalizing" thin bright rays and dark shadows beaming from the Northern Hemisphere constellation of Andromeda.

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