Dwarf Planet Ceres May Have Been an Ocean World

Dwarf Planet Ceres May Have Been an Ocean World

NASA scientists confirm the presence of liquid water on the icy, Pluto-like dwarf planet Ceres. The planet's craters have bright spots full of evidence that water evaporated from beneath the surface, leaving salt residues.
Science Times - The Perseid Meteor Shower's Peak is Just Days Away!

The Perseid Meteor Shower's Peak Is Just Days Away!

Although the Northern hemisphere will get the best view of the Perseids, the Southern hemisphere can still enjoy the show a few hours later. Here are a few things to keep in mind when getting ready for this year's celestial show.
Earth-Like Planet Discovered 20 Light Years Away

Other Stars Can Support Up To Seven Habitable Planets

One of the goals of exoplanetary science is detecting other habitable planets similar to our own Earth. A new study provides insight into the rate of these "new Earths" occurring around other stars - with some of them supporting up to seven of these planets.
Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo, First Commercial Spacecraft, Unveiled In CA

British CEO Richard Branson Is Set to Leave Earth in 2021

Sir Richard Branson, the English business magnate behind the Virgin Group, is set to go to space. He's travelling using his space company's maiden voyage, igniting another avenue for commercial space travel.

ALMA Captures Image of the Planet Factory

A new image captured by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) suggests that planet-forming environments may be more complex and chaotic than it was previously expected.

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