NASA Shares Details on Upcoming Mars Mission

NASA Shares Details on Upcoming Mars Mission

SPACE Scientists explain how the Perseverance rover will be searching for signs of life on Mars, starting with the Jezero Crater. They hope to find traces of Martian microbes in what used to be a lake.
NASA Telescope Reveals Seven Earth-sized Planets Around Single Star

4 of the Weirdest Kinds of Planets Ever Discovered

Modern science fiction has brought us worlds of ice or fire of giant planets. However, actual science is a few steps ahead in terms of being unimaginable and downright weird. Here are four of the weirdest planets ever discovered:
July is the Month of Comet NEOWISE and Other Sightings

Comet NEOWISE Is Here Until the End of July

Astronomers encourage stargazers to make the most out of all the sightings for July, especially Comet NEOWISE which visits the skies after several thousands of years. Other sightings include Saturn, Mercury, and Jupiter.
China is Getting Ready to Launch a Rocket to Mars

China Is Getting Ready to Launch a Rocket to Mars

China, U.S.A, and the U.A.E. will all be launching rovers before August for their Mars missions. They rovers will be scheduled to land on Mars by early 2022 for scientific research.

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