A study from the University of Warwick revealed that a blast sends a star out of its orbit with another star in a partial supernova and is now traveling across the Milky Way galaxy.
Together with HeroX, NASA once again launched an incentive challenge called 'Watts on the Moon Challenge' in exchange for a prize purse of up to $5 million to inspire solutions on how to provide a reliable energy source for lunar missions.
A recent discovery of 100 million billion stars hidden the Milky Way is named the South Pole Wall. Cosmographers explain how it's possible to map out what they can't see in space.
Morning star Venus will reach its brightest this week for 2020 as it rises into the predawn sky in the constellation of Taurus, the bull, near the bright star Aldebaran.
Chinese Yutu-2 rover has discovered a green gel-like substance in a small impact crater on the far side of the moon in 2019, and finally, scientists have identified it-- a rock.
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured an image of a distant galaxy moving away from the Earth 60 million light-years away. The star was identified as NGC 7513, and was moving away from the Milky Way at 3.5 million mph.
NEOWISE telescope has discovered its latest comet who has survived its closest approach to the sun, and it has raised hopes among the scientists that it may be a tantalizing object for skywatchers after two comets ATLAS and SWAN.
Scientists made a new discovery regarding the behavior of gases at the Milky Way's core, the Tilted Disk. Discovering the source of their activity may explain the Galaxy's energy.
The stunning video was created by the imagery gathered by the European Space Agency's Mars Express Orbiter gives the viewer a sense of what it feels like to fly in an airplane on another planet.
NASA's Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs have just finished Phase I in selecting which small businesses they will invest in.
The Artemis missions will be sending humans back to the moon, including the first woman on the moon. Soon after, NASA will be preparing for sending astronauts on missions to Mars.