SPACEThe universe is old and calculated to be several billions of years old. One galaxy, in particular, came to be because of cosmic chaos that proved to be more powerful than a supernova.
While the Artemis mission is on its way, NASA is taking mankind further into space and into the asteroid belt with its new mission. This will be the first time for humanity to have a close-up look at the Trojan asteroids.
During the formation of the proto-solar system, there was the great divide which separated terrestrial and Jovian planets. Without this great barrier, the chances of life on earth were nil and may have allowed another material inside. Some traces are out in the asteroid belt near Jupiter.
Immense bursts of gamma rays are created by the orbit of binary stars. These GRBs are so powerful that it can be detected light-years away. It seems GRBs can only be created in perfect conditions that enable it to happen.
The benefit of traveling to the International Space Station is that it's accessible enough to resupply whenever needed. Going to Mars will be, by far, the furthest humankind has ever traveled. Despite all odds, NASA is aiming to send astronauts to Mars by 2035.
Massive black holes are in the universe, and diligent scientists may have clues as to how massive black holes form. What are the mechanics as they bend the spacetime continuum into immense gravity wells that eat up all matter?
Solving the three-body problem can be confusing with Newtonian physics, but a scientist has found a way out of it. With it the conundrum can be fixed, but nothing is final. This solution might be replaced, but it does provide insights for other scientists.
This new year marks a new chapter for the agency as they try to achieve another giant leap for mankind. Earlier, NASA introduced the new spacesuits that will be worn by the astronauts that will embark on the Artemis mission.
Dark matter is the firmament of the universe that formed after the big bang. Whether it is warm, fuzzy, or cold remains a subject for speculation for scientists as an exact image is yet to be captured.
The Milky Way galaxy might be one big wormhole that crisscrosses into other galaxies like an invisible superhighway to the stars. If this is verified, then Einstein-Penrose bridges in space do exist.
Earth has its fair share of a meteor impact and scientists are determined in finding one of the largest impact sites. They need not go any further as clues suggest that the impact may be just around Laos.
TESS is off to a good start as the planet hunter discovers an Earth-like exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf star. However, debates are still going on regarding whether or not the planet is habitable or not.
Expect the exoplanet WASP 12-b to die soon as it roasts in its sun after its orbit decays. Soon enough, this will be just planet
that will join the cosmos as another dead world.