NASA Now Accepts New Applicants for Aspiring Astronauts

NASA Now Accepting Applications for Aspiring Astronauts

Aspiring astronauts, your wait is finally over! Now, you can apply to be a part of the team as NASA opens its doors for new applicants as it aims to send another pair of man and woman astronauts to the moon come 2024.
The international Gemini Observatory composite color image of the planetary nebula CVMP 1 imaged by the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph on the Gemini South telescope on Cerro Pachón in Chile.

Astronomers Share Snapshot of Beautiful Planetary Nebula

Using the Gemini South telescope, astronomers have taken a photo of a plenary nebula called the CVMP 1. The snapshot was taken during the Cerro Pachon summit in Chile. The said plenary nebula is located in Circinus' southern constellation some 6,500 lightyears away.
NASA Discovers a Double Star System with an Alter Ego

Double Star System with an Alter Ego Discovered, NASA Reports

Cosmic 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' are spotted using NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory (Photo : Pixabay)A silhouette of a man sitting on a rock looking up into the sky A double star system or binary stars are two stars orbiting one common center mass.
Apollo 17 Astronaut (IMAGE)

One Small Grain of Moon Dust, One Giant Leap for Lunar Studies

Back in 1972, NASA sent their last team of astronauts to the Moon in the Apollo 17 mission. These astronauts brought some of the Moon back to Earth so scientists could continue to study lunar soil in their labs. Since we haven't returned to the Moon in almost 50 years, every lunar sample is precious.

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