SPACEFinding dark matter in the universe is like finding a needle in a haystack of cosmic proportions. The tool of choice is the Dark Energy Camera, with 570-mega pixels and installed in the 4-meter Victor M. Blanco telescope that is located in the Andes Mountains in Chile.
Out in the cosmos, the collision of two neutron stars caused enough ruckus to be heard in known space. These gravitons scattered and sent a graviton wave that was detected on earth way back in 2017. There is speculation that this event is a black hole and it just made the theory of relativity a bit out of whack.
A particular patch of the universe that glows brighter where there are dense patches - this is a stark contrast to areas with sparse patches of matter.
One of the most unlikely exoplanets discoveries were a surprise when simple terrestrial telescopes spotted a hot-Saturn exoplanet in passing as pair star. Responsible for finding it is Karen Collins, one of a group in the University of Louisville.
Koch and Meir performed a third successful spacewalk to repair old batteries on the ISS. Early this week, NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir once again made history as they accomplished their third spacewalk to replace the aging batteries at the International Space Station.
When humanity makes the next mass exodus to an alien world, Astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) speculate that red dwarf systems may house worlds that have evolved flora and fauna. This might be similar to the setting in Avatar, but minus the big-blue natives though.
In the cosmos, nothing lasts forever, and every celestial construct fashioned from the gases and matter of early big bang is not eternal. Look across the universe, and there are massive galaxies, living bodies of plasma giving birth to planets and stars.
For years, engineers are baffled by the landing of the Huygens Probe in Saturn's moon Titan but now, they have enough data to find out why and how it happened.
Nothing is more mysterious than the origin of our earth, the more is learned to settle the question, and it raises the unknown. Earth scientists at MIT are perplexed by a new find, that might rewrite the earth's origin.
Scientists on earth are aware there is a big universe out there, and we are just one of many objects in it. One of the concerns which are of tantamount concern is the existence of massive black holes, announcing their presence with regularity.
Scientists looking up into sky have found good leads that reveal a frigid Neptune and dual Earths bigger than ours. All these are part of five extraterrestrial worlds that are part of five exoplanets, eight exoplanets in orbit near red dwarfs.
The Cassini spacecraft ended its mission back in 2017 but until now, scientists are still analyzing the final data sent back by the historic spacecraft.
Stars are like living beings that are made of star stuff, one of the longest-lived galactic structures and the source of light in the dark universe. A star dies in several ways, its corpse becomes something else.