NANOTECHNOLOGYThe research from two institutions has found that the radiation from rocky cores could break up water molecule and support the microbe that consumes hydrogen.
The Keppler telescope has successfully gathered data of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system, enabling astronomers to observe its outermost planet in details.
NASA scientists recently discovered a human-made barrier surrounding the Earth during their Van Allen space exploration probes and confirm that these are very low frequency (VLF) serving as shield to the planet.
Mouse sperm miraculously produced healthy mice after its nine months in space. The sperm was sent last 2013 to the International Space Station, and through Vitro fertization it produced healthy mice.
Scientists and researchers discussed the future of exoplanet discoveries. After discovering many exoplanet candidates in the past, scientists couldn’t just stay still.
The moon orbits an average of 239,000 miles from Earth just the right distance to seem the same size in the sky as the much larger sun. However, this astrophysical body creates a total solar eclipse only about once every 18 months.
Every Astrophysical object like Earth has a region of space surrounded by charged particles controlled by its magnetic field, called Magnetosphere. When the incoming charged-particle (Electrons) from solar wind creates disturbance in Earth’s magnetosphere and then it produced Aurora.
By plotting supermassive black holes from the distant universe, researchers have revealed the large-scale of the distant universe. Scientists say it's the first time such a technique has been used to map the cosmos.
Among different scientific mysteries one of the subjects about the formation of Earth’s atmosphere that scientist has been long baffled. However, a three-billion-year-old air sample trapped in quartz mineral shows the link between comet and Earth atmosphere.