TECH & INNOVATIONThe race to the moon heats up as mining investors and private entities prepare their lunar spacecrafts for Google's Lunar XPrize of $20 million plus a $4 million incentive for water detection. The promise of Helium 3 nad Platinum is another goal for miners of the moon.
A new exoplanet that is as dense as styrofoam is hinted to be the clue to alien life. The Styrofoam planet called as KELT-11b will be used to study the atmospheres of other planets.
Proxima B is the planet that is believed to be habitable for the human being and scientists have begun the first step of analysis by exploring its climate.
Experts examine the abundant oxygen that is released by comets and explain the nagging mystery. One Caltech chemical engineer who tried innovative techniques to create microprocessors in computers has shown why comets expel oxygen.
Supermom Anna Lee Fisher was able to fulfill NASA's mission despite being a mom. As the world continues to celebrate the Mother's day, NASA released a news of one supermom, Anna Lee Fisher.
NASA is confirming about their next mission with SLS system in the upcoming EM1 mission. But EM1 may not be a human mission but they are working on it for their real purpose of EM1.
In 2015, scientists announced the detection molecular oxygen at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, which was studied by the Rosetta spacecraft. It was the “biggest surprise of the mission,” they said a discovery that could change our understanding of how the solar system formed.