If a star is a planet, it sounds a little strange because the star is a massive gaseous stellar object. However, a team of astronomers from Carnegie Institution for Science claimed that a Brown Dwarf is, in fact, a planetary-mass object.
The two Saturn-like mass exoplanets were named OGLE-2013-BLG-0132b and OGLE-2013-BLG-1721b. Tens of thousands of light years away from Earth, two new exoplanets were discovered by scientists using gravitational microlensing.
SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket successfully had its first test fire in Texas last week. SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket will be set to fly in the next four years.
Biggest telescope in space history is now at NASA's Johnson Space Center for extreme cryogenic tests. James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will spend 100 days in the lab, later a big solar shield will be attached to it for the protection.
Millions of defunct man-made and natural space debris are causing a complicated space traffic. Space authorities are afraid of their long-term impact on working satellites and space flights.
NASA’s Deep Space Network can face a great challenge regarding its communication from the spacecraft due to a traffic jam in Mars, which is expected after 2020.