Oxygen Is Not Always A Lifeline [VIDEO]

Scientists find that life can exist even if there is no oxygen When you walk through the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, you may find extreme environments.

Small Satellites Could Probably Be Space Garbage Which May Result In Collision

Space is full of all sorts of garbage that can cause problems, including some of the stuff we send up there with good intentions. Take CubeSats. These nanosatellites, which weigh less than three pounds, were first sent into space in December 2006, and have become increasingly popular in the years since as a cost-effective option for telecommunications companies looking to spread wifi and brand recognition.

Mining The Moon Might Be Trump’s Next Big Project

Previous explorations and studies may have concluded that the surface of the moon and the Earth have great similarities. This has motivated entrepreneurs and even the US government to expound on the possibility of moon mining.

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