SPACENASA first mission to Mars is probably not possible due to technical and financial challenges. NASA's first mission to Mars will be facing delay. The reason is that NASA is facing budget challenges for the mission.
There is a meter-deep tectonic fault in Colorado. Scientists suggest that it is a result of the asteroid impact that caused the dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago.
The electromagnetic railgun uses electricity instead of chemicals to fire projectiles. Apart from warfare, space exploration may be the first to benefit from the technology.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft found the trace of hydrogen on the icy moon of Saturn named, Enceladus. Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) scientists are assuming there must be several hydrothermal vents beneath the surface that can sustain life.
Hubble spots auroras on Uranus. These most intense auroras have been seen for the first time ever. Ever seen Aurora Borealis or Aurora Australis here on Earth, also known as the "dawn of the north" and "dawn of the south?" This natural phenomenon appears as incredible bursts of light that illuminate the night sky in myriad hues.
A lot of people are still hoping that a new planet will be found and scientists have not placed an end to the search. In fact, there are a number of scientists that support the idea that the Solar System goes far beyond the Kuiper Belt.
Orbital ATK Would Launch Cygnus on April 18 to resupply Internationational Space Station. NASA announced that Cygnus will be loaded with 7,600 pounds of scientific equipment, clothes, foods and waters.
The image shows an icy blue streak. This icy blue streak is one of the so-called "long-lived storms" of Jupiter. Great red spots also appear in the image, which represents that the storms are extremely chaotic.