Like every Astrophysical body, Earth’s moon also has a magnetic field. According to Dynamo theory, this field is basically generated by the core of every celestial object like Moon’s lunar core.
The public can be among the greatest contributing minds for modern science. With the help of new technologies, how far can publicly funded researches done by nonprofessional scientists go?
TiME is being tested on a Chilean lake to float on methane-ethane filled lakes and seas on Titan. NASA’s initiative is a step towards landing on Titan’s methane seas and finding life.
Find out NASA's surprising discovery about Saturn's moon here. NASA reported that its Cassini spacecraft had discovered a huge breakthrough on its flyby through Saturn’s moon, Enceladus.
Take a look at one of the smallest moon of Saturn here. Saturn’s moon Atlas is reported to have been captured by NASA’s Cassini Spacecraft last April 12, 2017.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency is the Japanese partner for the Martian Moon Exploration Project. The mars moon Phobos is slightly egg shaped and is 27 kilometers in diameter if measured from end to end.
Astronomers said they may have snapped the first-ever picture of a black hole. On account of the mechanical capacities available to everyone, it will be conceivable for astronomers for the first time ever piece together pictures of a dark hole.
Russia build its own humanoid robot. The robot will be used for solo space mission in 2021. Russia is prepared for a solo space mission in 2021. The country built its own humanoid robot for shooting in the space mission.