Medicine & TechnologyDid US soldiers encounter real giants in Afghanistan? Unveil the legendary tales and explore the truth behind these intriguing stories. Read more!
Centuries-old kangina, a mud-straw food preservation method in Afghanistan, keeps grapes fresh for months in remote communities. Check it out in this article.
Health experts were dispatched to the areas where the mysterious Covid-like disease was spreading to investigate the nature of the illness. Read the article to learn more about this disease outbreak that resembles the COVID-19 pandemic.
American soldiers in Afghanistan were reportedly made to sign NDAs to "cover up" the alleged "killing of a giant" in the Kandahar province of Afghanistan. Read on to know if the claim is
Satellite images show that thousands of people are congregated in Afghanistan's airport amid mass evacuation from Kabul as Taliban troops take over the whole country.
Kuno, the Belgian Malinois who has completed two Afghanistan tours, is set to receive the prestigious Dickin Medal—the animals' Victoria Cross—for his heroic service.
It’s a fanged creature unlike any other, and it clearly won’t need a costume this Halloween. The unusual herbivore, the Kashmir Musk Deer is a species that was once native to the northern ranges of Afghanistan. Though, in spite of the fact that the species has not been seen for more than 60 years, a team of researchers headed by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) recently revealed that more than a handful of the rare species have been identified in alpine meadows of northeast Afghanistan, just in time to come out for Halloween.