Tags: Depression

Silent Public Health Emergency

New Studies Describe How We Can Battle Climate Change and Its Effects

Two new initiatives are calling for sustainable ways to battle climate change Climate change can no longer be denied. News of its effects are scattered left, and right and calls from scientists and environmental activists to hold big companies accountable for their contribution to carbon dioxide emissions are getting louder.
The Secret sauce to less depression is in your diet!

The Secret Sauce to less Depression is in your Diet!

It’s not cool to be downed with blues, especially when it has negative effects. No one likes it to happen, but the answer is in what you eat! Embarking on a new diet will have beneficial results, and lessens how often depression strikes everyone. Without depression, most individuals experience more satisfaction and are bogged down less.

Depression and Anxiety? Have some Red Wine!

While many are skeptical about people claiming to forget their problems and feel "happy" as they down a glass, scientists have found out in their recent studies that there might be some truth to this.
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