Tags: Dna

Elephants Evolved To Develop Anti-Cancer Genes; the Secret Could Be Found in Their Hot Testicles

Neanderthal DNA Linked to Increased Risk of "Viking Disease" in New Study

DNA Analysis of 2 Geographically Separated Octopus Populations Reveals History, Issues Grave Warning About Antarctica

Stability of Nucleic Acid Bases in the Acidic Clouds of Venus Suggests Its Potential To Support Life

Artificial Sweetener Generates Genotoxic Chemical During Digestion, Prompting Health Concerns

Detecting Human DNA in Air and Water? Vital Breakthrough Could Help Solve Murders

Ancient DNA Reveals Early Humans From China Migrated to the Americas and Japan During the Ice Age

Baby Born From Three People's DNA Through Novel IVF Procedure, Marking a Scientific First For UK

New PCR Technique Offers the Future of Data Storage Using DNA Microcapsules

DNA of a 25,000-Year-Old Siberian Woman Found on Ancient Pendant Spills Fascinating Details About Its Wearer

Mysteries of Humanity: Lacking Information in Human Genome Could Be What Differentiates Humans From Others

Ancient DNA Reveals Painted People of Scotland Had Local Roots Related to Iron Age People in Britain

Rosalind Franklin Helped Uncover Double Helix; Here's How She Actually Contributed to the Discovery of DNA Structure, According to Unpublished Materials

Stress-Induced Biological Aging Is Reversible, Study Says

Zombie Cells Undergo Cryptic Transcription and Produce Small Molecules, Study Says; How Does This Affect Aging Process?

First Ancient DNA From the Swahili Civilization Restores Heritage, Complicates Understanding of Its History

Asteroid Ryugu Samples Found To Contain RNA Component Called Uracil; Findings Could Shed Light on How Life on Earth Started
DNA Double Helix Splits Due to Invasive Nature of Unzipping Process

Previously Unknown Ice Age Hunter-Gatherers Lineage Discovered Through Ancient DNA Examination

Scientist Responsible for World's First Gene-Edited Babies Admits Acting 'Too Quickly'; Where Is He Now?
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists

Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Chocolate