Tags: Dna

Exotic DNA Used To Boost Crop Resilience; How Do These Modified Plants Fare in Changing Climates?

Viking Period Migration Confirmed: Ancient Scandinavian DNA From Archaeological Remains Reveals Great Genetic History

Human Foot Found Floating in Boiling West Thumb Geyser Basin; Authorities Tries to Name the Body Part Using DNA

You May Now Make Crocheted-Like Objects With DNA; Here’s How Researchers Made It!

DNA From 1,300-Year-old Skeletons Reveals a High Prevalence of Infection of an Early Medieval Community in Germany

Experimental Cancer Treatment That Uses CRISPR Gene-Editing Put Young Girl Into Remission

2-Million-year-Old DNA From Ancient Sediment in Greenland Reveals a Lost Arctic World

Woman Claims She Caught in Camera a Real-life Bigfoot Sneaking In Her Ranch; Do They Really Exist?

Stability AI Technology Supports Effort in Generating DNA Sequences Machines

Butterfly Mutants: New Study Links Their Wing Patterns to 'Junk' DNA That Sits Between Genes

First Neanderthal Family: Largest Genetic Research in Ancient Humans Offers a Glimpse of Real-Life Flintstones

Black Death That Ravaged Europe in 1400s Shaped Human Evolution Thru Genetic Mutations, Study Claims

The Arctic, a ‘Fertile Ground’ for the Next Pandemics With Climate Change Increasing the Risk of Viruses, Arising Sooner Than Later
Colloidal Crystals Engineered in New Study, Describing Shape Memory Occurring After Changes in the Materials’ Structures

Grandparents' Health, Lifestyle, Environment Could Affect Development of Offspring for Generations

Headless Body of Woman Identified After Four Decades of Unknown Identity Thru Forensic and Genetic Technology

Lobsters and Their Longevity: How Are They Linked to Human Lifespan?

Genetic Mutations Found in Astronaut Blood Due to Spaceflight, Will This Risk Their Health?

First Man-Made Living Mammals Created by Recombining Chromosomes of Living Mouse

Novel Forensic Technology Can Accurately Detect DNA in Small Amounts of Sample Even After 72 Hours
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

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