Tags: Dna

Meta-Analysis of Diverse Populations Reveals How Genes Affect People With Type 2 Diabetes

Experts Complete DNA and RNA Nucleobases from Meteorites, Supports Origin of Life from Space

Deciphering RNA 3D Structure Now Possible with Novel Technique

Importance of Antioxidants and Supplements Against Oxidative Stress Explained

Origin of Life on Earth: What Do DNA, RNA, and Chemical Reactions in Asteroids Have to Do With It?

Blue-Eyed People Share One Ancestor That Developed the Mutation 6,000 to 10,000 Years Ago
Highest Resolution Achieved Through 3D Imaging Tool Using Nanomaterials

Blood Biomarkers Linked to a Range of Mental Health Disorders

Earliest European Farmers Are 1.5 Inches Shorter Than Agriculture People of Recent Ages

Two New Species of Endangered Glass Frogs With See-Through Bodies Discovered in Active Mining Sites in Ecuador

Scientists Plan to Resurrect Extinct Christmas Island Rat; But Could De-Extinct Technology Save Endangered Animals?

Scientists to Resurrect the Lost Species of Tasmanian Tiger, Extinct Marsupials Will Bring Balance Back in Tasmania's Ecosystem

Learning and Memory: New Study Shows the Role of FMRP Protein in How to Memorize Things, Events, and Activities

Protein That Organizes DNA Also Responsible for the Healthy Functioning of Blood Stem Cells, Study Shows

A New Proteomics Method Links Excess R-loops to DNA Double-Strand Breaks and Genomic Instability

Intergeneration Trauma: Pregnant Tutsi Women During Rwanda Genocide Experienced Chemical Modifications Linked To Mental Disorder, Inherited By Children

Genomes of Roadside Weed Arabidopsis Thaliana Helps Scientist Understand Genetic Mutation

World's Tiniest Antenna Created to Monitor Motions of Proteins Using DNA

DNA Through Air: Scientists Propose New Way of Tracking Endangered Animals in the Wild

Cement Head Lice Use to Attach Their Eggs Can Preserve Human DNA
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists

Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Chocolate