
Superbug Infects 4 Patients at a Second Los Angeles Hospital

Four patients have been infected with an antibiotic-resistant "superbug" at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. The superbug in questions has been linked to a type of medical scope that is used on more than a half-million people in the United States each year.

Napping Babies Have Better Memory and Learn Faster

A daytime nap or two is an essential part of every baby's daily routine. These naps allow newborns and toddlers the needed downtime to help them cope with crucial physical and mental developments that happen at this stage in a child's development. But researchers now believe that a daily nap will do much more than just help infants cope with the stresses of development. New research reveals that a daytime nap is vital in helping boost a baby's memory, as well.

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