Tags: Mental health

Understanding Mental Health and Illness: What is Psychopathology?

Does Vitamin D Help With Depression? Exploring Its Potential Benefits for Mental Well-Being

Facial Dysmorphia as a Form of Obsession: 22-Year-Old Woman Shares Why She Can’t Stand To Look at Her Own Face

Can Online Gaming Offer Social Support, Boost Mental Health? Study Digs Deeper Into How Video Games Affect Wellbeing

Depression Linked to an Enzyme Which Explains Why It Is Twice as Common in Women Than Men

Schizophrenia Likelihood Linked to Novel Genes; Findings Demonstrate Uniformity of Genetic Risk Across Ethnicities

New Blood Test May Determine One’s Risk of Developing Anxiety, Severity, Best Treatment Options

Is Swimming in Cold Water Good For Your Brain and Mental Health? These MRI Scans Say So

More Than Just a Basic Function: How Breathing Affects Mental Health and the Brain

Affecting 2.3% Worldwide Population, Binge-Eating Disorder Possess Major Health Risk if not Control

Can Obesity Be Linked to ADHD? Here's What Science Says

Methyl Bromide: New Study Suggests Absence of This Gas is Linked to Life on Other Planets
Social Media May Be Harmful to Mental Health; Women on Fitness Online Are More Likely to Fall Into Narcissistic Trap of Sports Influencers [Study]

Newly Discovered Serotonin Derivative Potentially Helps Anxiety, Eating Disorders and Other Mental Health Issues

Lonely People Aged Faster Than Smokers, Study Claims
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Sufferers More At Risk of Cancer, Other Health Conditions, According to 3 Studies

Mobile Phone Usage Maybe Linked to Wrinkles Appearance and Mental Health Problem

News Addiction: How Severe Is Its Effect on People’s Physical, Mental Health?

Digital Media Use May Be Linked to Negative Parenting Practices, Study Says

Why Do We Keep Wanting More? Science Says Its An Inherent Brain Bias
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists

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