The study from the Federal University of São Carlos reveals that the metal in glitter hinders photosynthesis, impacting primary aquatic plant growth. Read the article for more details.
Japanese researchers discovered that microplastics are also present in clouds, possibly affecting climate change. Continue reading the article to find out more.
Microfiber pollution in the form of laundry lint has serious effects on the health of mussels. Alongside chemical pollutants, a new study reveals implications of microplastic pollution affecting large marine species such as whales and dolphins
Researchers discover microplastics in the organs of cadaver donors, revealing that everyone inevitably ingests plastic pollution. The team from Arizona State University hope to create 'an atlas of human pollution' to show how much of the organs are exposed to microplastic particles.
Changing production processes in the textile industry can significantly reduce how much microplastic fibers find their way in water systems and eventually in food supplies. Researchers compare the difference between scissor-cut textiles and laser-cut textiles.