Medicine & TechnologyThe United Kingdom hit a major milestone when it used wind power as the largest source of electricity in the first quarter of 2023. Read the article to learn more.
Silver nanoparticles with low melting point sparks hope in creating thermoelectric modules for generating emission-free power. Read the article to learn more.
To test the benefits of the offshore wind power, the first U.S. offshore wind farm was built at Block, Island, Rhode Island. Five wind turbines that would generate a capacity of 30 megawatts was planned to complete. There are already two of these wind turbines built at the area.
Researchers found a new technology that can tackle electrical energy problem through blue green algae, which can transfer by electron chains during photosynthesis and respiration.
Two Arizona State University engineers warn that the power grid of the American West must be prepared for the impacts of climate change. The region's entire infrastructure for electricity generation and distribution must be "climate-proofed" to diminish the risk of future power shortages.