Tags: Research
New Fanged Frog Species Reveals Nurturing Side—First Live Tadpole Birth to Date
Large Hadron Collider Upgrades Are Complete as Researchers Gear Up for 2015
Endangered Subspecies of Giraffe Born in Chester Zoo, Raising Hope For The Future of The Species
What Lay in Seas of Venus? Researchers Say They May Have Found the Cloudlike Answer
Blue Hole of Belize May Explain What Happened to the Mayans
Facebook Comments on Class Action Lawsuit—Are They Going Through Your Messages?
Must See: 5 Months in Space Compressed into 6 Minutes
What Manganese and the Trade Winds Tell Researchers about the Coral Bleaching Epidemic of the Pacific
Can the Blood of Survivors Help Cure Ebola? The Limitations and Expectations of a New Vaccine
Fast Food May Affect "School Performance"
A Holiday Filled With Chirps & Cheer—The Christmas Bird Count
Half the Size, But Twice the Bite—Study Reports European Wolves Are on the Rise
Plastic Pollution Causes ‘Tons’ of Problems as New Estimates Reveal Litter on the Rise
Genomic Study Reveals Pre-Cambrian Explosion of Bird Species, Who Faired Better than Gentle Dinosaurs
Bouncing Philae Takes Award for Breakthrough of the Year
Sugar May Be Worse for Blood Pressure Than Salt
SHOCKER—Senate Committee Finds Waterboarding and Torture Methods to be Ineffective Against Terrorists
A Historian’s Paradise—Albert Einstein Archives Continue to Grow
E=MC^2 Wasn’t His Only Thought—New Archive Reveals Einstein’s Love and Laughter
NATURE Says Mammals Developed 3D Neural Compass to Better Navigate Terrain
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists