Tags: Research
Earth’s Warm Streak Could Peak in a Decade, If Policymakers Don’t Change
What Drives Monkeys to Drink—The Fruit-Filled Tale Of Why We Imbibe
Polish “Vampires” Discovered in Crypts, and They May Have Had Cholera
You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks, But You Can’t Clean Up Their Drinking Habits
CDC Asks What’s Worse—Occasional Binging or Full-Blown Alcoholism?
How a Crop Found in Beer Helped Early Man Survive in Frigid Tibetan Plateau
CERN’s Large Hadron Collider Adds Two New Subatomic Particles to the List
Massive Crater in Siberia Sparks Conversations of UFOs and Bermuda Triangle
In Chimpanzee Sexual Selection, Nice Guys Finish Last
Climate Change May Spark A Wildfire Or Two in Our Future
Wildfires May Fill our Future as Climate Change Sparks Lightning
CERN May Not Have Found Higgs Boson, But They Found A New Director-General
Just Because Bats Are Blind Doesn’t Mean They Can’t Compete
1Kite Study Reveals Origins of Insects and Perhaps Our Origins Too
What Do Most People Consider in Choosing a Leader? Healthy or Smart Looks?
Good Bacteria in Stomach May Aid in Weight Loss, Study Says
Binary Stars Merge and Beat Supermassive Black Hole
Bariatric Surgery Alters Taste Buds Leading to Weight Loss, Study Says
Why Researchers Have to Go In Disguise—The Penguin in the Room
Penguin-Friendly Rover Finds Its Place Amongst the Crowd
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists