Tags: Samsung

Led by Samsung and Apple: Is UWB The Next Big Smartphone Tech?

For tech-savvy smartphone users, there are a number of technologies and specifications to consider - WiFi, Bluetooth, USB, Near Field Communication (NFC), and more. Now Apple and Samsung have announced a new tech with their latest phones and people are asking: "What is UWB?"
Samsung Galaxy S20 5G SKT

Make the Most Out of Your Samsung Galaxy S20: Here are 5 Things You Can Do

Are you looking for a new mobile phone to buy? More than the price, you surely take the features on top of your priorities for your deciding factors. Some of the best choices you might want to include in your phones to buy are the newly-launched devices under the Galaxy S20 Series.

Samsung's Firevase: A Smashing Fire Extinguisher

Samsung's new flower vase doubles as a throwable fire extinguisher. Samsung may be best known to the tech-loving community for its mobile devices, computers, and televisions, but there are plenty of other products that the South Korean giant makes.

Samsung’s Folding Phones Break Easily

Users took their disappointments of the phone’s fragile built to twitter Numerous Samsung Galaxy Fold users posted pictures of their Galaxy phone on twitter, showing the bulges on the crease of their unit.

Samsung Galaxy S10 Fingerprint Scanner Hacked

Here's What You Need To Know One of the most anticipated announcements with the launch of Samsung's Galaxy S10 phone was its fingerprint scanner that is "in-display".

Nanotechnology: Extending Battery Life

Nanotechnology provides more time between charges. Low battery indications are probably the most annoying aspect in today's gadget-driven world. The use of nanotechnology could possibly lessen the immediate stress of temporarily being cut off from the cyber universe that has become such an intricate part of our daily routine or even give battery driven cars an increase in mileage.
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