The tiger stripes on Enceladus could help shed light on the possibility of alien life living in the murky waters under the moon's icy shell. Read to learn more.
A new strategy is at work on getting samples from Saturn's gigantic moon Titan. The exploration will take advantage of the moon's chemical compounds for ease of the mission.
As seen from space, Saturn's moon Enceladus has a pure white surface save for a series of long fissures in its southern region which kind of looked like tiger stripes.
Ahead of the rotorcraft landing on Titan, SMU chemists will be recreating the conditions on Titan in multiple glass cylinders, each the size of a needle top, so they can learn about what kind of chemical structures could form on the surface of Titan
The mystery behind the Saturn's moon Titan's magic islands was found out not a mystery at all. This means that Science can really explain almost everything.
TiME is being tested on a Chilean lake to float on methane-ethane filled lakes and seas on Titan. NASA’s initiative is a step towards landing on Titan’s methane seas and finding life.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft found the trace of hydrogen on the icy moon of Saturn named, Enceladus. Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) scientists are assuming there must be several hydrothermal vents beneath the surface that can sustain life.