An MIT research team developed a new AI branch that could be used for self-driving cars, fraud detection, and medical image analysis. Read to know more about it.
Older adults could maintain their brain and cognition healthy by physical exercise because it keeps the integrity of synapses intact, according to a new study.
Researchers recorded how brain cells of a zebrafish light up when storing memories in which findings can help develop new treatments for PTSD and neurodegenerative disorders.
A new study led by Japanese researchers managed to configure graphene-diamond junctions to mimic certain functions of the human brain, opening possibilities for more complex computing devices.
Challenging conventional theories on how neural information is relayed in the brain via one-way street. A study shows that when the receiving post-synaptic dendrites are overloaded the pre-synaptic axons hold off the delivery of the signal and send it first in the wrong direction.
Neurologists have discovered that memory restoration may be a near possibility. In a recent study, researchers from UCLA's department of Integrative Biology and Neurobiology found that memories are not stored in the synapses, as was once believed.