Tags: Weight loss

Reasons Why Some Health Enthusiasts Are Drinking Ginger

Ginger has become a growing area of interest when it comes to health benefits Research has shown that ginger can help nausea and vomiting, symptoms of an upset stomach and it can even help relieve pain.

Meal Timings To Cut A Few Inches Off The Waist

It’s not just about what you eat, when you eat can make you lose all that fat. The Freshman 15 - this refers to the 15 pounds that freshmen students in college usually gain on their first year living away from home.

Weight Loss Power With Five Kitchen Necessities

In the context of medicine, health or physical fitness, weight loss refers to a reduction of body weight resulting from voluntary (diet and exercise) or involuntary (illness) circumstances. Most of the weight loss arises due to the loss of body fat.

Study Found How "Obesity Gene" Works

Research found that obesity is not just about excessive eating or lack of exercise but can also be a gene-related disease.
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