Tags: Weight loss

How to Safely Lose Weight After the Holidays

After the celebrations for Christmas and New Year, surely many are worrying about their holiday weight. Here are some tips for losing weight after the holidays.
Losing Weight? Experts Say Timing Your MeaIs the Best Way

Losing Weight? Experts Say Timing Your Meals is the Best Way

Most diet plans would require a person to reduce their calorie intake, but studies show that the body can use calories more efficiently in the morning. This points to a strategy that could be beneficial for weight loss.
Homemade apple cider

3 Science-Supported Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has undoubtedly various healthful properties which include antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. Furthermore, evidence recommends, it may provide some health benefits such as reducing cholesterol, helping weight loss, improving diabetes symptoms and lowering levels of blood sugar.

A New Supplement Is Said To Replace Exercise

Scientists are now working on a supplement that gives you the benefits of a workout without having to actually exercise. According to scientists, it could be possible that we can get the benefits of exercise without lifting a finger.
peanut butter

Is Eating Peanut Butter Connected to Weight Gain?

Peanut butter is said to be healthy, but does it contribute to weight gain? Peanut butter is one of the most popular spreads, it is packed with essential nutrients, including minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats.

Best Diets Ranked, DASH is Number One and KETO is Last

The US News and World Report released a list of the popular diets ranking them from best to worst The Keto diet became popular because it is labeled as a "fat-burning" diet, but according to the 2018 list of the best diets from US News and World Report, it is one of the worst diets, along with the Dukan diet.
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