Some Native Americans consider white bison sacred, but park officials said the newly born albino white bison is neither a result of albinism nor leucism. Read the article to learn more details.
A latest estimate discovers more magma beneath Yellowstone's supervolcano. Geologists said magma does not increase the likelihood of an eruption. Read more about this news here!
Wyoming state health officials are alarmed by the increasing reports of illnesses in the state, which is particularly concerning on children below 5. They said it might be due to norovirus that can be spread through contaminated food and drinks.
Researchers discovered that nonnative birds in the island of Oahu, Hawaii, plays a greater role in seed dispersal - with most of the seeds found belonging to plant species also nonnative to the island.
With the standard household microwave oven, copper foil, and glass containers, researchers from the University of Wyoming have turned coal powder into graphite.
Last September, a small crack that was found by two hunting guides in an isolated ranch near Ten Sleep in north central Wyoming now measures a width of 45 metres and a length of 650 metres.