TECH & INNOVATIONCalculating power and technology's advancement like artificial intelligence has enabled researchers to not just examine data faster and simpler, but learn from historical data, as well for better situational consciousness and decision-making.
Vacation photos sometimes serve another purpose other than capturing the moment as scientists are also using them to track the movements of zebras, whales, and other endangered species.
Japanese research institute RIKEN develops a new humanoid under the Guardian Robot Project. The robot, known as Nikola, could perform six various facial expressions.
Researchers carried out three sets of experiments to find out if fake faces created by artificial intelligence or AI were able to fool real human beings. A "worrying new study reveals" that fake faces produced by machine learning frameworks appear more trustworthy compared to real people's faces.
A James Bond-inspired concept can make Tesla's Cybertruck float and be driven on water using outboard motors, pontoons, and hydrofoils that are foldable to be stored in the vehicle.
A Bay Area start-up is making meat out of thin air using a probiotic process that transforms carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen combined with minerals and water.
OpenAI expert Ilya Sutskever claimed that the largest neural networks could possibly have slight consciousness already. However, other AI experts disagreed with Sutskever's claim.
Scientists recently pitted an artificial intelligence driver versus human gamers during a PlayStation driving game called Gran Turismo. Such a driver topped all the human gamers.
In this article, it is our goal to tell you everything you can know about these systems and how to properly use them. So strap in and let Mightycall take you through this step by step.