Broadband Connectivity Delivery Methods

Broadband Connectivity Delivery Methods

Traditionally, users had to access the internet via a dial-up connection and a modem (hardware used to convert data into signals, allowing it to travel up and down a phone line).
Quantum Computer Illustration

New Quantum Computer Application in Materials Science

Seen as the future of computing, quantum computers have exciting potential for solving problems beyond the capacity of classical supercomputers. While quantum computers are still mostly under development, one sample has displayed the capability to work on materials problems.

Recent Bitcoin Hack Might Have Been an Inside Job

How secure are Twitter accounts? The recent Bitcoin scam from July 15 had exposed several major security problems. The investigation is still ongoing after hacking targeted accounts that were verified and high-profile.
Is the Grocery Industry Ripe for Disruption?

Is the Grocery Industry Ripe for Disruption?

Recent years have seen an explosion in delivery services that promise to make every aspect of shopping faster and more convenient. And while juggernauts like Amazon and AliExpress have reshaped how we buy everything from furniture to electronics, supermarkets have so far remained popular with consumers who aren't quite ready to buy their lettuce and steaks online.

[WATCH] Giant Gundam Robot Learns How to Walk

Building the giant Gundam robot started with a vision that seemed impossible. Through the hard work of some of Japan's top specialists, the vision has become a reality within six years as the robot is nearly completed.

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