TECH & INNOVATIONCommunicating with people can get a little tricky with all the changes that have happened in recent years. Now, you have to learn how to talk with someone online using a dating site without any social training and guidance.
If you are suspicious about your girlfriend's mobile phone activities and need to make sure whether she is cheating on someone or not then you can make sure about certain things by using a reliable spy app.
Website building is a crucial part of your online presence, especially if you want to interact with people via a medium that is entirely your own. Although building a website these days is reasonably easy since the tools are all readily available, but making it an appealing one is a whole other ballgame. Tech entrepreneur Chris Hughes, who runs mintWP, shares his thoughts on comfortably building a spectacular website for yourself using WordPress.
Researchers found that painting buildings with white keep them cool. This major advance in the field which uses a super white paint reflects almost all of the incoming radiation from the Sun.
Influence marketing is more of a contemporary digital marketing strategy that has witnessed exponential growth over the last few years. Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms, is set to reach $10 billion in worth in influencer marketing by the end of 2020, according to Adweek.
During the lockdown, scientists reprogrammed a robot to conduct experiments 'a thousand times faster' while they worked at home to find solutions for coronavirus. This one robot may determine the future of science, AI, and technology.
From 3D animals that you can view in your homes, Google has launched a new AR technique that will help you view 3D dinosaurs and turn your house into a mini Jurassic World.
Unlike most other branches of psychology, neuro-linguistic programming focuses on identifying strategies that are used by successful individuals. This makes NLP somewhat similar to the positive approach that was promoted by researchers like Abraham Maslow. Rather than looking at potential sources of social deviance, NLP practitioners do their best to help other people emphasize what tactics work best to achieve certain goals.
If there's a single positive aspect coming out of the COVID-19 crisis, it's that business now sees the clear benefits of remote work. Yes, we can work at home and, in fact, many people are more productive.
Archaeologists discovered the man's skull and the remains of at least ten other Stone Age adults and an infant in 2012 at the bottom of what used to be a small lake in what is now Motala, a small town in Sweden.
Scientists from the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials have developed a machine for administering the coronavirus nasal swab test. The robot can be controlled with a joystick and monitored through a screen. The developers say their machine could help lessen the coronavirus's transmission from staff to patients and vice versa.
Coronavirus has changed the usual order of things around the world. Business tries to adapt to existing realities, which makes online shopping and grocery delivery especially popular. By shopping online, you avoid the risks of infection as well as simply save your time. Today we will talk about the ways you can make purchases online at Hy-Vee.