Researchers develop a self-healing electronic skin

An electron skin inspired by jellyfish is developed by NUS researchers The National University of Singapore (NUS) researchers have developed a jellyfish-inspired electronic skin that has self-healing properties in aquatic environments.

Ecobricks: Plastics in the Construction World

From nonbiodegradable waste to construction materials Our community needs building blocks-literally! Bricks are laid out on the streets, on your garden walkway, within the walls of your room, and practically everywhere.

Elon Musk and SpaceX Plan to Revolutionize Intercontinental Flights

We better buckle up on this ride! Transport entrepreneur, Elon Musk is once again planning to revolutionize the way we travel. The Elon Musk-owned SPACEX is turning its attention to terrestrial travel and its revolutionary rockets will dramatically reduce flight times, meaning a flight from London to New York could take as little as 30 minutes, experts claim.

A Liquid Metal with T-1000-like Properties Has Been Created

Chinese researchers create a new metal composite that can be manipulated by magnets. Researchers in China have created a Terminator-like liquid metal that has the ability to stretch horizontally and vertically, as well as change shapes.

The Apple TV streaming service is finally here

Apple wants to make waves in Hollywood. But even its deep pockets don't guarantee success. Not long before he passed away in 2011, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs famously told biographer Walter Isaacson that he was working on plans to streamline and revolutionize the TV experience, much like his company had forever changed music and phones.

Water Bears are the Toughest on Earth - and in Space!

Scientists sent Earth's toughest critters out to space to test their toughness. (Photo : Goldstein lab) SURVIVE AND THRIVE - The Earth is home to many living creatures of sizes big and small.

Time reversal through quantum computers

Scientists discover how to reverse time Valerii Vinokur and his team of scientists from the U. S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory successfully returned a computer briefly to the past.

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