TECH & INNOVATIONImagine that you live in the rainforests of Southeast Asia, you're a pint-sized primate with enormous eyes that are roughly the same size as your brain, and you look a little like Gizmo from the movie, "Gremlins".
Researchers at UBC have created the first-ever nanocomposite biomaterial heart-valve developed to reduce or eliminate complications related to heart transplants.
This system detects equipment failures before they even happen. In an era of electrical dependability, preventive maintenance could save companies and organizations billions of dollars a year.
A ground level expalantion of quantum computing In reference to a recent article titled 'Quantum Computer Time Reversal: Can It Happen?', I would like to try to explain how quantum computing works.
UP scientists make things invisible University of the Philippines' National Institute of Physics (NIP) developed a Harry Potter-like invisibility cloak based on the work of US scientists.
Is interspecies communication possible? Wouldn't it be amazing if interspecies communication could happen? Albeit, animal communication is fascinating and often way more complex than people realize, humans are able to communicate with other species with some success but now, researchers have allowed two very different creatures to "talk" to each other through the use of robots.
Time reversal may be possible. An international team of researchers has constructed a time-reversal program on a quantum computer, in an experiment that has huge implications for our understanding of quantum computing.
It claims there was nothing personally identifiable. Nokia phone brand owner HMD Global is understandably nervous about Finland investigating claims that its handsets send sensitive data to China, and is trying to clear its name.
Nanotech-infused bandages could potentially heal you faster. Egyptian researchers have developed a bandage infused with nanoparticles for the treatment of wounds using the anti-epilepsy drug Phenytoin, known for its capacity to treat skin injuries.
A new lightweight, low-profile and inexpensive ankle exoskeleton could be widely used among elderly people, those with impaired lower-leg muscle strength and workers whose jobs require substantial walking or running.
An electron skin inspired by jellyfish is developed by NUS researchers The National University of Singapore (NUS) researchers have developed a jellyfish-inspired electronic skin that has self-healing properties in aquatic environments.
From nonbiodegradable waste to construction materials Our community needs building blocks-literally! Bricks are laid out on the streets, on your garden walkway, within the walls of your room, and practically everywhere.
We better buckle up on this ride! Transport entrepreneur, Elon Musk is once again planning to revolutionize the way we travel. The Elon Musk-owned SPACEX is turning its attention to terrestrial travel and its revolutionary rockets will dramatically reduce flight times, meaning a flight from London to New York could take as little as 30 minutes, experts claim.
Chinese researchers create a new metal composite that can be manipulated by magnets. Researchers in China have created a Terminator-like liquid metal that has the ability to stretch horizontally and vertically, as well as change shapes.