Razer Now Officialy Owns Smartphone Manufacturer Nextbit

It has been confirmed that Netbix is now owned by Razer including its team and other assets. Razer Company is known for selling not just ordinary kinds of PC's and PC accessories, but a high-end type of these classes and in 2015, they ventured into the competitive world of android business.

Apple Rolls Out New App For Musicians

Apple has rolled out its new Music Memos App on Wednesday, which allows both musicians and aspiring musicians to transform a single idea into a whole new composition.

Twitter Is Back, Resolves Technical Glitch

Twitter Inc. has confirmed that the technical glitch of a software update which affected several users from Europe, Middle East, North America and Africa for more than 6 hours has already been fixed.

HTC To Create Two Google Nexus Device — Rumours

According to rumours, Google tapped HTC to create not one but two Nexus devices this 2016. According to rumours, Google and HTC will have another go-around for a Nexus device.

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