TECH & INNOVATIONThe biggest social networking site has revealed its latest update of helping users find concert tickets and parties, events or any whereabouts within the neighborhood.
A Chinese environmental group called "The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation" sued giant car company Volswagen over issues regarding its emission problems.
Google has released a multi-room support for the product Chromecast. Chromecast Audio is one of the latest products released by Google. It is defined as a small pluggable device that can be connected to speakers for music streaming purposes through the use of Wi-Fi.
The Apple TV is one of the latest innovations that the Apple company released the updates for tvOS. The Apple TV is one of the latest innovations that the Apple Company made over the past several years and on Dec.
Scientists have already found a way to teach computers and make them learn like humans. We have always known computers as devices we can use to store and process data.
The app that used to pair people will now encourage its members to become donors as well. The NHS in cooperation with dating app Tinder is together raising awareness on organ donation.
Android announced its plan to integrate split screen in their device. The split screen view was one of the latest available features in devices like iPad and Windows.
With the advent of technology, people get stressed out when missing out with friends' updates. With the advent of technology, people get stressed out when missing out with friends' updates.
Nintendo is happy with 3DS lifetime sales. Since its release in 2011, Nintendo 3DS already made huge waves all over the entire world. And almost 5 years after its first debut, Nintendo confirmed that the 3DS product is here to stay.
Volkswagen announced an entirely new concept for the car. Over the past few months there have been rumors about famous car brand Volkswagen reviving the once famous Microbus look.