TECH & INNOVATIONVolkswagen announced an entirely new concept for the car. Over the past few months there have been rumors about famous car brand Volkswagen reviving the once famous Microbus look.
Google finally rolled out the six-person family plan with its music service. The popular Google company has finally rolled out the six-person family plan on Dec.
Images of the newest OnePlus handset had circulated all over social media. On Dec. 9, 2015, images of the newest OnePLus mobile product has circulated in the social media.
IBM announced that it bought the cloud video firm Clearleap. International Business Machines (IBM) is the largest computer company in the world. On Dec.
The Yo app became so huge that the team behind it managed to raise over $1M. Ever since its release last year, the 'Yo' App has been deemed as one of the stupidest apps ever made.
Apple released its newest iOS update, the IOS 9.2. Just last Dec. 8, 2015, Apple released its newest update, the iOS 9. 2. The latest development system offers a lot more features than the 9.
Samsung Gear 2 gets rave reviews from consumer report websites. The giant tech company Samsung recently revealed its latest Smartwatch, the Samsung Gear 2.
Mozilla introduces its latest ad blocking application for IOS users. Mozilla just revealed its latest ad blocking application for IOS users. It is the latest one in the series of developments and innovations made by The Mozilla Foundation.
Young social media users no longer consider Facebook in their 'rad' list of apps to socialize with; however, they still spend more time with it than others.
A cyber team of researchers revealed a number of faulty security measures in "Hello Barbie" doll's Internet-ready scheme that allows interaction between the kids and their toys via artificial intelligence.
A new camera app that allows taking 3D photos is recently launched by tech giant Google. A new camera app will surely thrill Android users. An app that allows taking 3D photos was recently launched by tech giant Google.