TECH & INNOVATIONWe loved the game. We loved the graphics and the fluidity. We loved the story. Now is the time to wreck havoc in the whole game. Here are the cheats to unleash it.
Last episode was awesome. We saw Stefan turning his humanity off, and the whole thing was literally a Downward Spiral. Read the recap of the latest episode because it shows that there is still hope and that not everything is going south.
We saw that the Arrow refuses Ra's al Ghul's offer in the last episode. We also saw that Ra's al Ghul started destroying the Arrow reputation as a good vigilante in the Starling City. Read more to know what happened in the latest episode - Suicidal Tendencies
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced today the the social network site will soon support 360-degree spherical videos which allow users to view locations from different angles, like a 3-D game.
A group of computer scientists in Qatar has developed a method for predicting who will become a supporter of the Islamic State through an analysis of tweets.
Ever think that those younger doctors with their new-fangled ways aren’t nearly as good as the seasoned pros? Well while you might think that the veterans have the advantage, researchers are now saying that in the battle of old versus new it’s technique not technology that wins the race. In fact, if properly done, new techniques hold far greater possibilities for improvement than older techniques, and the new surgeons learning these techniques directly in school may be the the best adept to their correct implementation.
It’s a common belief that when you think of neurobiology you often imagine the brain and the central nervous system one neuron at a time. And for many years, that’s exactly how researchers had to approach the larger questions. By tagging in particular neurotransmitters, that would convey the passing of one signal from neuron to neuron, researchers were able to follow the path of a signal back and forth along an axon. But now, with new imaging technology and a new model organism in mind, researchers in neurobiology are seeking new ways in which we study the brain—mapping neural circuits and their functions in great detail, on the large scale.
Two New Breakthroughs In the Field of Genome Modification Genetic engineering is not only a hot button issue in the media, but also a crucial tool in biological research.
Twitch has released a warning to its users that its streaming video service may have been compromised, potentially exposing data such as names and email addresses in the process.
The first two lawsuits have been filed against the new net neutrality regulations that were approved by the Federal Communications Commission last month. The lawsuits, filed on Monday, allege that the new FCC rules violate the Constitution, federal telecommunications law, and the procedural requirements required for drafting regulations.
Brian White, of Cantor Fitzgerald, says Apple Inc. is worth $1 trillion! Learn more here! Apple Inc. is without any doubt the world leader in personal technology.
Apple has changed the way consumers monitor their health with its HealthKit app. (Photo : Getty Apple explains its HealthKit App) Apple launched its HealthKit app last year, and it has been a big success.