Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you know that Microsoft has finally realized that Internet Explorer is pretty much dead losing out to the likes of Google's Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. To that end, they have undertaken the design of a new browser, Spartan, and with it they hope to regain some of the market share they have lost over the years.
Early footage of Nintendo's Wii U release of "The Legend of Zelda" has wowed fans of the series across the world. However, it seems fans are going to have to wait a while longer before they can go off adventuring with Link.
Slack Technologies is the latest company to fall victim to hackers, exposing the private information of up to 500,000 users, such as email addresses, telephone numbers, Skype IDs and any other information that its users might have entered.
Genome Editing: Fighting Mosquitoes, Killing Bacteria, and Improving Pigs Earlier in the week we covered a breakthrough in scientists' ability to create transgenic mice for medical and other biological research.
In an unprecedented study which involved the largest set of gemoes from a single human population, researchers found data suggesting that the "father of humanity" lived 100,000 earlier than previously thought.
Every science fiction fan is familiar with the notion of parallel universes with the Star Trek series being one of the first to popularize the notion. However, thanks to the Large Hadron Collider, we may soon have proof that a parallel universe does, in fact, exist.
Here’s our breakdown of how the Surface Pro 3 stacks up against the iPad Air 2. Here's our breakdown of how the Surface Pro 3 stacks up against the iPad Air 2.
Here’s our breakdown of how the Nexus 9 stacks up against the Nexus 7. Here's our breakdown of how the Nexus 9 stacks up against the Nexus 7. Prices: The Nexus 9 is priced at $399 (for 16GB), $479 (for 32GB) and $599 (for 32GB with built-in LTE support).
Here’s our breakdown of how the iPad Mini 2 stacks up against the iPad Mini 3. Here's our breakdown of how the iPad Mini 2 stacks up against the iPad Mini 3.
Using wireless connectivity and telematics, cars are now collecting vast amounts of personal data, according a new study from B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Association.
Facebook showed off plans to bring the Internet to billions of people around the world by way of a solar-powered laser drone this week. The drone, codenamed Aquila, the V-shaped unmanned vehicle has the wingspan of a Boeing 767, but is surprisingly light, weighing less than a small car.
In a digital age where real-time streaming of data is commonplace, why are commercial airliners still using black boxes? With yet another airliner tragedy enveloped in mystery, many believe it is time to apply new technology which could shorten investigations from months or years to days.