Best HTC One M8 Cases

The is about new HTC smartphone. HTC has recently launched its new generation smartphone, 'The HTC One M8'. The phone has a quad core processor of 2.

Is the New 'Hello Barbie' Spying on Your Children?

Those Disney movies made us wish that we could talk with those Barbie toys just because they had such a cool character in the movie. And finally, now they can gossip with you. Go ahead to know more.

Arabic Ring Found in 9th Century Scandinavian Grave

New study claims 9th century ring with Arabic Inscription found at a Scandinavian site is unique A new study suggests that a ninth-century ring from Sweden has come from the Islamic Civilization.

Microsoft Retires IE in Favor of Project Spartan

Even the mightiest can fall. Internet Explorer was once king of web browsers used by over one billion people around the world, making it one of the most recognized technology brands. However, Microsoft has announced that the browser included with Windows 10 will not use the Internet Explorer name and is actually completely new technology, codenamed Project Spartan.

Mario Goes Mobile as Nintendo Ventures Into Mobile Apps

It seems Nintendo may have had a change of heart on its position of mobile games. The Japanese video game maker is now listening to its users and heeding calls from investors to boost revenue by bringing many of their iconic characters like Mario to smartphones and tablets.

Child Exploitation Remains a Threat in Fast-Growing Chat Apps

Policy trying to wage war on child pornography are struggling to combat new challenges brought on by the rise of many messaging services such as Kik and Snapchat that have risen to become popular among children and teenagers and are becoming a target for predators.

Solvent Baths Promise Better Perovskite Crystals and Better Solar Energy

With the coming of spring, and the looming global warming ever at our odds, it’s clear that there’s enough heat already out in the world. So why would you want your “green” energy practices to contribute ever more to that heat? Current methods, for example, in the production of solar cells used to capture energy require an intense recrystallization process that comes at the price of a drastic raise in the temperature of the substance—perovskite. But now, thanks to chemists at Brown University, the green energy movement may soon be equated with a cooler movement, as well.

Best MacBook Pro Cases to Buy

Best cases avaliable for MacBook Pro MacBooks are one of the most treasured possessions of many people. It may be covered with aluminium but it is not completely resistant to breakage and scratches.

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