ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEA collaborative genetic study of universities from Sweden, Austria and Turkey unearthed genetic mystery in early Mesopotamian. Get to know more about such discoveries here, read now!
Destructive solar storms may not be responsible for the radiation spots observed in earth trees according to latest studies. Know more about this topic here, read now to continue!
A woman who taught a dolphin to speak finds out that it had fallen in love with her. The dolphin then committed suicide. Discover what occurred next by reading the article.
Fender's Blue butterfly was one of the endangered species under the federal Endangered Species Act of 200, which was thought to be extinct between 1940 and the late 1980s. Check out how saving them rescued an entire ecosystem.
Banning ozone-depleting chemicals in aerosols for 35 years has finally paid off as researchers found the hole in the ozone layer is slightly smaller this year than it was in 2021. Read the article to learn more details.
Agrotech company Grace Breeding concludes field tests and reveals its Wide Defense System Formula (WDS) drastically improves industrial tomato yield amid harsh weather conditions.
Read this article to learn about the medieval soldier who was struck in the face with an axe. A computer artist has brought to life a medieval soldier's skull that archaeologists discovered in a mass grave near Visby, a city on the Swedish island of Gotland.
China's largest fishing vessel is one of the worst shark finning vessels in the Pacific. Get to know more about shark finning and its harm to the species by reading this article.
Check out the new owl species through this article that has just been described from Principe Island in Central Africa its presence was first confirmed in 2016.
The highest plume record was set by Tonga's underwater volcanic explosion that reached the atmosphere. Read on to know more about this explosive news, check it out now!
Google announced that its new tools are more accurate and available in more countries thanks to the advances in artificial intelligence. Tap the article to learn more.
Sea lions within the coastline of Oregon impose risk of leptospirosis for both humans and animals according to the authorities. Get infected with facts as you continue reading this news.
A man narrowly missed stepping on a stonefish, which is a master of camouflage and can inflict pain enough to kill. Read the article to know the full details.