ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEResearchers recorded the head movements of rats while they listen to music playing and found that they bop in time to the beat, like humans. Learn more about this discovery in this article.
Read on to know the effects of melting ice sheet in Greenland on the sea levels in the world. In the coming decades, sea level rise may accelerate more quickly than anticipated due to a massive flow of ice crawling out of Greenland's remote interior while also slowing down.
A new species of pterosaur was discovered by paleontologists in sub-Saharan Africa. Know more about this flying creature that flew on earth here at Science Times, read now!
Archaeologists believe that they have found the tunnel leading to Cleopatra's tomb, which is believed to be buried beneath Taposiris Magna Temple. Read the article to find out more.
An international team of scientists stated in a report that 16 out of 32 vital signs of Earth have attained a "code red" and that humanity is facing a climate emergency. Read the article to learn more.
Archaeologists discovered a tunnel with symbolic artwork that was hundreds of years old in Ecatepec, Mexico, in 2019. Continue reading to see why they had to rebury this odd discovery.
Experts warn the public to not touch the saddleback caterpillar as it delivers a powerful sting. Read the article to learn more about this bizarre-looking moth species.
Nicole intensified into a tropical storm on Tuesday and is anticipated to intensify more when it gets closer to Florida's coast on Wednesday night. Read on to know if NASA pushes back Artemis 1 moon mission launch.
Continue reading to see how the discovery of the fossilized remains of the earliest animals to develop a skeleton helped scientists solve one of evolution's mysteries.
Scientists strapped underwater cameras to tiger sharks and discovered the millions of square kilometers of seagrass meadows under the Bahamas. Discover more facts about this topic, read here to continue!