ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEResearchers from Israel found no clear evidence that the virus behind COVID-19 came from bats despite the consensual opinion formed during the pandemic. Read the article to learn more.
A shrimp-like marine menace with a foot fetish. A shrimp-like marine menace with a foot fetish. The water-line isopods (Excirolana chiltoni) are flesh-eating bugs that are too small yet cause big pain to humans when bit.
Over 10,000 dead fish have been reported washing ashore and found dead in the San Francisco Bay Area. Read to know more about the cause of these deaths.
Turning one-thirds of Pakistan into a lake and leaving 33 million people affected by the deadly flood the satellite image shows how the overflowing Indus river shrunk the country due to a phenomenon called 'monsoon on steroids.'
Research reveals intestinal parasites are choosy with their “living quarters.” They are found to be gathering in the same guts. Read to know more about it.
A mass dolphin hunt seeing hundreds of species drawn into shallow waters as part of a killing spree has begun. Read and find out why activists got enraged.
The photo of a terrified sloth facing off against a dog has been "highly commended" in the 58th Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition of the London Natural History Museum. Check it out in this article.
The mystery behind the mass whale strandings has deepened, contradicting previous theories of scientists about such a phenomenon. Read to know more about it.
Mihirungs were the biggest birds on the planet that towered over the Australian bush for 20 million years, but they mysteriously went extinct 40,000 years ago. Read the article to know why.
A heavy great white shark named Bob was spotted swimming close to Cape Cod Bay. Read more to know about the other white shark sightings and shark attacks.
A new study claims that researchers deciphered an ancient Iranian language. However, an expert said that there are some concerns about the decipherment. To know the whole story, keep reading this post.