ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEAccording to a recent study, researchers said that the oldest dinosaur in Africa was unearthed in Zimbabwe. To know more about this species, continue reading.
A wildlife park director was attacked by an alligator in Florida while having routine interaction with the large reptiles of the park. Read to know more.
A potential solution, a completely recyclable and biodegradable printed circuit is developed to mitigate health and environmental hazards. Read to know more.
A study reveals discovery of human and animal remnants suggesting that funerary meals during the Roman Empire were much like daily meals. Read to know more.
A rare rainbow scarf cloud mysteriously appeared in China that looks almost apocalyptical or supernatural. Check out this article to learn how the cloud was formed.
A new study estimate that the melting of zombie ice in Greenland will cause more than twice as much sea level rise as previously expected. Read the article to know more details.
Scientists were proud that they were able to see the most detailed skull anatomy of Australia's tiny crocodile. Continue reading if you want a more thorough update.
A new biotechnology technique produces synthetic milk that changes the dairy industry from animal-based food systems to more sustainable food production. Find out more about this innovation in this article.
Initially thought of as a plant, scientists confirmed that zombie worms (Osedax) feed on the bones and animal carcasses that sink at the bottom of the sea. Check out this bizarre sea creature in this article.
Researchers concluded that the massive tsunami produced by the Tonga volcanic eruption was due to a single water mound. To get in-depth information about the study, keep reading this post.
Read on to know how to avoid and survive shark attacks. What if a shark approached you in the ocean? What would you do? Despite some terrifying tales of survival, it's improbable that you'll ever be fighting a shark.
A mysterious cricket in Hawaii seemed to survive one of the unusual and harshest environments on the planet. Check out the wingless lava cricket in this article.
Pakistan officials reported the death toll reached 1,033 people following reports of new deaths as a result of flash floods. Read to know more about it.