ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEExpert says that the recent incident of weedy seadragons washed up in New South Wales is a clear sign of a problem in the marine ecosystem. Read more to know the details.
Observing captured Port Jackson sharks, researchers discover that sharks like rewards. Read on to find out how frequency of rewards showed how sharks lose interest in prey if they think it will not lead to feeding opportunities.
Spain announced it apprehended over 1,000 taxidermied animals which included hundreds of extinct species. Find out more about the discovery in a Shed in Betera.
A video sighting of a 10-foot alligator crawling underneath a man's truck in Venice, Florida shocks residents. Read on to find out more about the harrowing experience and learn more about Florida alligators.
Experts found that farmers in ancient Europe were shorter than agricultural people in latest time periods. Read on to know how their tallness changed through time.
Shocking photos reveal the aftermath of an intense wrestling match between a lion and a man in Uganda. Find out how the man was able to defeat the beast with his bare hands.
A dust storm that swept through Iraq resulted in people developing respiratory problems. Find out how the rare occurrence became an effect of climate change.
After decades of pollution, the sea grass at the Indian River Lagoon is wiped out. Read on to find out how through donations local wildlife conservationists were able to feed tonnes of lettuces to manatees.
On April 7th a large worm-like cloud was seen in the skies near the Lazy Mountains, Alaska. Immediately it sparked theories and conspiracy. Read on to find out how the Alaska State Troopers cleared the air regarding the eerie cloud.
The post-mortem of a century-old Greenland shark shows it died of meningitis, the first case ever recorded. Read more to know the details of its unusual death.
Cases of animals from the deep suddenly appearing on the surface always amazes people. Check out this freaky deep-sea creature washed up on Sydney shore that no one is able to identify yet.
Up until recently, studies have focused on cuttlefish and octopus. Read on to find out how researchers discovered squids to use chromatophores to survive just like their relative cephalopods/