TECH & INNOVATIONScientists are set to demonstrate the capabilities of portable solar panels by driving a Tesla Model 3 solely powered by the Sun. Read on to learn further details.
New researchers from NUI Galway have proven that fictional archaeologist Indiana Jones is indeed right that small scorpions are more venomous. Read on to know the details.
Pacu fish is dubbed testicle eaters and nutcrackers for a reason that leaves men fearing for sharing the same water as them. Find out why this species evolved to attack male genitals.
A horrifying encounter of a great white shark attacking a family boat off the coast of Mandurah was caught in a video. Read this article to know the details.
A new study reveals elephants should continue moving to find the amount of food and water they need to survive. Learn more about elephant behaviors here.
Archaeologists believe that this well-preserved ship is a 13-century Hanseatic cog, a rare workhorse of the ancient trading network Hanseatic League. Read on to find out more.
Wildlife officials are investigating the mysterious death of a bottlenose dolphin that was recovered with a stab wound on its head. Read on to learn the details.
Conchita the crocodile is seen on the runway at Naval Air State Key West basking under the sun. Find out how sunbathing is important for these reptiles.
Scientists have urged everyone to stockpile seaweed to prepare for a nuclear war. Know the reason why there is a need to do mass farming with this marine plant.
A gorilla at a Chicago Zoo is reported to be addicted to smartphones and now zookeepers are reducing his screen time. Learn more about such behavior here.