A short, free-to-play online game where players learn how political misinformation is made and spread has shown to make its players more resistant to political misinformation.
Metal pollution in British waters threatens the survival of marine bivalves like scallops, mussels, and oysters while also damaging the marine ecosystem.
Imposter stars, or quick flashes of light in the night sky, has been attributed to the increasing clump of space debris and active satellites in Earth's orbit.
Invasive jellyfish species have been spotted in North and South Carolina in recent weeks. In September, North Carolina residents reported White Spotted Jellyfish along several beaches.
Scientists and graduate students who belong to minorities have reported stalking experiences, sexual assault, harassment, threats, guns pulled, and police called on them while conducting fieldwork.
A research team trained its AI agents on how to act and communicate in a fantasy world. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have grown increasingly complex over the years, being capable of handling a variety of tasks.